We find our Fatherial figures in the room where it happened, with the prismatic peeps giving some good low-down info of the wild shit Prism can do with her brain rock, throwing a mighty tissy into the reality fibers of our story. Good thing she’s on our side, amirite? With a direction and a heading, and also a way to go, our party starts to initiate the travel, starting with the incredible Nalomi, which may or may have not forgiven Sieghart for punching the sin out of his shins. Soaring to new heights, we transfer from the old to the new, passing a summit threshold into green fields, where not all is at it seems. How can a place with such new things, house such old fear? If you have these questions, or question anything else about your body or my own, then join us from afar, on From Afar Podcast! We interrupt your lifetime of pullups to tell you, you are an amazing person.