Finding themselves in a precarious position, Sieghart, Kipa, and Aereus are met with a tragic outcome. In order to save the ship and our fathers from the monstrous kraken, Captain Fal’kjun had to make a hard choice. Now with a heavy burden upon their shoulders, our favorite heroes must weigh their options in the light of recent events, and persevere. However, just as one door closes another opens. Sieghart, in a moment of silent vigil, gets a strange and cryptic message from a celestial being. Kipa, looking for a way to save his friends, meets a new and strange member of the Sea Monster who has a useful service for our fathers. And Aereus, in a moment of regret and introspection, comes face to face with a spiritual being and is forever altered. Tune in this week from afar, to From Afar Podcast!
Episode 27: When Lifting, Use Your Sea Legs and Not Your Backstory.