Howdy y’all! We have had a great first year and are keeping as sane as we can during COVID and hope every one of you are as well. We wanted to share with you some developments for From Afar and keep you abreast of what is going diggity diggity down with the Furious Father’s creators. So, after much deliberation, we have decided to start injecting advertisements using Spreaker into our episodes. This was a complicated decision that we at From Afar discussed in depth. The reason we chose to have advertisements was because we were really impressed with Spreaker’s offerings and partnership with small podcasters, and we believe that this will lead to better story, better ingredients, and ultimately, better pizza. We will be testing optimal placement by first putting ads after the Earl intro, during Borg’s wares, and then as a post roll. We will be keeping a close eye to see if this helps or hinders the story and adjusting accordingly. However, even with this development, our story and bond as friends will forever and always come first, so we will be balancing the advertisements with the story as a whole. In addition, please let us know your feedback or concerns as we move forward. You can reach us at our email, twitter, or discord. We are lovers of perfecting our craft and connecting with the listener in any way possible, and the best way we can do so is if you speak up and alert us. We value the input and opinion of each and every one of you.
Thanks again for being there for us and we are looking forward to the future! As always, don’t let those bed bugs get you down, use that all natural, organic, healthy and virus killing Clorox to get those nasties outta town.